Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The other side of positive

This just crossed my mind awhile ago so I decided to blog about it. When we hear or think of the word "positive", generally it means something good or it connotes happiness. But not if we talk about HIV because the word "positive" means infection of the virus that destroys one's immune system. And with that, it brings fear, uncertainty and depression. It's ironic how one word can have both a good and a bad meaning.

However, I'd rather dwell on the good side of the word "positive." Yes, I have HIV but that should not stop me from moving on and start living a "new life". I bawled my heart out and was depressed when was told I was reactive in the rapid HIV antibody test I took. I was scared also of what the future holds me someone like me. But I snapped out of it because staying depressed would only weaken my immune system, which I should be strengthening instead. It was no use crying over spilled milk, so to speak. I also didn't bother wracking my brains to find out who could have infected me. What for? I already have the virus and it won't make it disappear if I find out who gave it to me.

And with the "new life" I have, I decided to make this blog to serve as an outlet for me and so that I can go back to one of the many things I like doing the most - writing. Expect more blogs from me in the days and weeks to come. :)

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